Monday, November 23, 2009

Goin' Home for the Week

Some friends from NC:


Em messin around

Rachel being retro...

Auntie Em

Monday, August 11, 2008

Cape Town Update

So here is my blog update... finally! I would've written earlier, but the way internet is set up, it's been hard to find the time to write on here! 

My time in Cape Town has been really great so far! I've been working a lot with New Gen (New Generations Church). I mostly shadow Neil around a lot, who is a full-time church worker. We've been doing various church ministry, from working with the youth, small groups, media, meetings, etc. It really has been a learning experience, and I've made some great friendships!

I've been volunteering with Beth Uriel when I have time, helping with school tutoring, fundraising with their Mekasi product, making journals to sell at the market, doing some cooking, etc. It's really cool to be with the guys again and help out however I can! The picture below is of Clinton (he's looking up with graffiti behind him-- such a poser haha). He's one of the newest guys in the home.
This past week, I spent time with the Fuel Team of Common Ground Church (NCMI also). What an incredible week! The team has about a dozen early 20s guys and girls who are passionate to grow and serve our Father! It is a year long commitment with Common Ground. We were able to go into schools and share what God's done in our lives. We were busy all week, but probably the best part was going into a township to play with kids who have parents with HIV/AIDS. They kids were starving for affection and hugs. One girl, above in the pink, just lost her mother to AIDS the week before. You hear about stories, but when you are face to face with the reality, it hits you pretty hard. After playing with the kids, there's a Bible lesson in their language. 

Another really cool thing Common Ground and the Fuel Team put on is called God Sessions. It is an evening in the church sanctuary where there is a nice meal served, then a speaker shares, then each table discusses. It's aimed for non-chrisitians or anyone with questions. About 250 people showed up for it last week, and it seemed to be really impactful. I had doubts of what it would be like, if it would be cheesy, etc, but it was really really good. I'd love for our church to eventually do something like this! 

I could write a lot more, but that's a quick recap of some of the things going on here! I am thrilled to go to Madagascar on Thursday. I don't really know what to expect, but I know we're traveling all around to villages doing various outreach. I was about to cancel the trip because my ticket was much more than I anticipated, but as soon as I surrendered to God, completely surrendered, within the hour I got a phone call telling me that a ticket appeared half the price! Definitely a God-thing. Thanks, God!! So I'm going!

Pray that God will use me and the team going in a mighty way for His glory! 
Also pray for a new friend of mine, Isabelle, who I've gotten to know this week. She's searching for God, but can't seem to get past the idea that Salvation isn't earned. She also feels unworthy of it. She has a lot of questions. Last night, she came to church. The message seemed just for her. She slipped up her hand during an alter call but didn't come forward... She's so so close to coming to Christ. Keep her in your prayers!

I'll try to keep everyone updated as much as I can! 
Talk soon. Godbless!